Go Native!
It is quite likely that the only wildlife you will see in a vast expanse of lawn is a mowing crew. Whether replacing some or a lot of lawn with native trees, shrubs and perennials, you will note a marked increase in birds, butterflies, and pollinators--in fact, a general surge in the 'aliveness' of
your garden. Birds, butterflies, pollinators, mammals have all evolved in tandem with our native plant species. Many pollinators have exclusive and complex relationships with their host plants, only laying eggs, feeding caterpillars, or collecting pollen/nectar from specific plants. The more
diverse your plant selection, the wider the variety of life that will make its way to your garden.
your garden. Birds, butterflies, pollinators, mammals have all evolved in tandem with our native plant species. Many pollinators have exclusive and complex relationships with their host plants, only laying eggs, feeding caterpillars, or collecting pollen/nectar from specific plants. The more
diverse your plant selection, the wider the variety of life that will make its way to your garden.