Lawnless gardens ...the end of green asphalt.
Rethink the lawn. It sustains Japanese beetle grubs and little else. Lawns slow and absorb water about as efficiently as asphalt paving. Think how much time, money and energy (gas and you), goes into maintaining lawn. Seriously. Mow. Water (lots). Feed. Weed. Repeat.
Consider reducing or eliminating your lawn area and replace it with an entry garden, a mini-meadow, a woodland getaway, meandering gravel' stream', a bird and butterfly garden, or even an edible landscape! A planted garden means less rainwater runoff, greater diversity of bird, insect and animal life,'ll spend far more time enjoying your garden than mowing it.
Consider reducing or eliminating your lawn area and replace it with an entry garden, a mini-meadow, a woodland getaway, meandering gravel' stream', a bird and butterfly garden, or even an edible landscape! A planted garden means less rainwater runoff, greater diversity of bird, insect and animal life,'ll spend far more time enjoying your garden than mowing it.
1 billion gallons of gas are used annually for lawn mowing. A single gas mower emits 80 lbs of CO2. 40,000 BTU's are needed to manufacture 1 lb of fertilizer. A single fertilizer application averages 43 lbs- that's about 1 millions BTUs of energy used per application. US Department of Energy